Are you ready for higher quality leads

& more sales?

Discover how I attract an endless supply of QUALIFIED Leads and Convert them into paying Clients with ChatGPT powered Irresistible Lead Magnets!

the Lead Magnet Money Workshop

Use EARLY BIRD Promo Code "LEADS" to save $50!




October 10th, 2023 @7PM EASTERN

October 12th, 2023 @7PM EASTERN

imagine if there WAS A map that directed your ideal clients straight to your doorstep?

Imagine waking up to an inbox filled with eager, ready-to-buy IDEAL clients.

Ready to make it your reality?

The Lead Magnet Money Workshop is your gateway!

A lead magnet is like delicious bait for hungry fish;

it's an irresistible offer that grabs your potentials clients attention fast!

For subject matter experts, coaches, consultants, agency owners and creators like you, it's the difference between a silent inbox and a flood of interested potential clients.

It's not just a free resource; it's a carefully crafted piece that taps into your leads desires & positions you as the go-to authority in their hearts & minds.

When used correctly, an irresistible lead magnet doesn't just attract; it magnetizes!

It pulls in your audience by addressing their deepest aspirations and pain points.

With every download or sign-up, you're not just growing a list; you're building a community and creating trust.

This Workshop will help you:

  • Define who your ideal client really is & Zero in on their unique desires and pain points.

  • Design an irresistible lead magnet that genuinely appeals to them & addresses a specific pain point.

  • Offer an upsell that feels like the next logical step.

  • Implement a reliable automation system for delivery.

  • Engage, nurture, and redirect your leads toward your premium services.

why do i even need a lead magnet?

  • Without a proper lead strategy, your business will always remain everyones "best kept secret"...

  • Feeling stuck at your current income level? Often, a missing or weak lead magnet is the bottleneck.

  • Are you ready to position yourself as the go-to in your industry? It starts with a powerful lead magnet.

  • Feeling lost in an increasingly crowded marketplace? A standout lead magnet will have your ideal clients coming to look for YOU.

  • If you're pouring effort into your business but not seeing progress or slow growth, a revamped lead magnet strategy could be the game-changer you need to get to the next level!

Are you ready for a steady stream of Ideal Clients on Autopilot?





Finally put an end to the information-overload and get your step by step ROADMAP!

Are you tired of drowning in the sea of online noise? Everyone's screaming for attention, but very few truly gain it.

It's more than just about being seen—it's about being remembered, and being sought after.

That's where the magic of an irresistible lead magnet and upselling come into play.

Join me for the Lead Magnet Money Workshop and together, we’ll uncover the secrets of creating a lead magnet so compelling, your ideal clients won’t just notice—they’ll stick around, hungry for more.

But we won’t stop there. We’ll craft upsells that feel like the missing piece your clients didn't even know they were searching for.

Join me for this workshop & learn the strategies i've personally used to grow a Multiple Six Figure Marketing & SAAS Business.

It's time to stop playing small & live up to your potential.



First, we'll get familiar with ChatGPT and Canva.

During the workshop I'll show you the ropes to ensure you're comfortable using them.


Following that, we'll delve into upselling. We'll ensure your upsell aligns with your audience's interests to ensure it feels natural

YOUR main offer

Finally, we'll guide you on presenting your main offer. We'll present it in a manner that's clear and directly highlights its benefits.



Grab your seat for the Lead Magnet Money Workshop today and benefit from our limited-time Early Bird Bonuses! These handpicked resources are designed to amplify your lead magnet creation journey, giving you an edge with tried and tested tools and strategies.

From AI-powered content prompts to comprehensive checklists and promotion blueprints, we're equipping you with everything you need to supercharge your lead generation efforts.

Act fast, because these bonuses won't last forever!

CHATGPT Content Creation Prompts

Unleash the power of AI in your content creation with the ChatGPT Content Creation Prompts.

Specially tailored for ANY niche, these prompts will guide you in crafting compelling content effortlessly, leveraging one of the most advanced AI tools available.

Whether you're facing writer's block or simply want to enhance the quality of your lead magnets, these prompts are your key to instant and effective content generation.

Ultimate Lead Magnet Creation Checklist

Don't leave your lead magnet's success to chance. Ensure every element of a high-converting lead magnet is in place with the Ultimate Checklist for Lead Magnet Creation.

This comprehensive checklist ensures that you're not missing any crucial steps in your creation process, from compelling headlines to engaging content and compelling call-to-actions.

Turn your ideas into powerful client magnets by ticking off each success-critical component.

THE Lead Magnet Promotion Blueprint

It's not just about creating the perfect lead magnet; it's about getting it in front of the right audience.

The Lead Magnet Promotion Blueprint offers you a step-by-step guide to effectively promote and distribute your lead magnets, maximizing their visibility and reach.

Dive into a mix of organic and paid strategies, ensuring that your lead magnets don't just sit there but actively drive traffic and conversions for your business.



October 10th, 2023 @7PM EASTERN

October 12th, 2023 @7PM EASTERN


mike wayne

Mike Wayne has spent over two decades trailblazing the online industry. Under his leadership, FunnelStreams, his flagship brand, emerged as a transformative all-in-one sales and marketing platform.

This platform revolutionized the way Creators, Experts, Coaches, and more market and sell, fusing the power of funnels, AI, and automation. Mike's unparalleled expertise spans comprehensive sales strategies, innovative uses of AI, and capitalizing on cutting-edge technologies for business advancement.

Notably, his work has highlighted the profound capabilities of ChatGPT, positioning it as a pivotal tool for modern businesses. Drawing from his vast experiences and discoveries, Mike presents this workshop to share these invaluable insights and strategies with you.

Get even faster results with these Upgrades!

Unlock even more value from the Lead Magnet Money Workshop with these Premium Order Upgrades!

Tailored to enhance your experience and accelerate your results, these additions can be the difference between a good outcome and a great one. Don't miss out on the chance to fast-track your lead magnet success!


Put your knowledge into action! This hands-on workbook is meticulously designed to help you brainstorm, strategize, and execute on the insights you gain from the workshop.

Dive deeper into the workshop's content with this dedicated workbook. It mirrors the exact curriculum of the workshop, so everything you learn is easily accessible in one organized place!

This ensures you can easily reference and apply your newfound knowledge in real-time. This workbook is the perfect companion to the Lead Magnet Money Workshop.

Lead MagneT MONEY canva templates

Overcome design hurdles with ease! Get access to professional-grade Canva templates that make your lead magnet creation process a breeze.

No need to stress about design – these templates ensure your lead magnets look polished and premium, capturing your audience's attention instantly.

Use EARLY BIRD Promo Code "Leads" to save $50!

This MasterClass Includes:

  • The Full Two Day Workshop

  • Unlimited Replay Access

  • The EarlyBird Bonuses

  • Exclusive Facebook Community


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Only $47! For just $47, unlock our comprehensive workbook, tailor-made to complement the workshop. Ensure you’re applying each lesson effectively. The key to your lead magnet success awaits!

YES! Add the Lead Magnet Canva Templates My Order

Only $47! Effortlessly design with our expert Canva templates. Create beautiful lead magnets that stand out and get attention!

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Frequently asked questions

Question: Will my DM marketing will come off as spammy?

Answer: When executed correctly, DM marketing is about building genuine, one-on-one connections. It’s not about bombarding with messages, but about understanding and catering to individual needs.

Question: Am I intruding on someone's personal space?

Answer: Everyone appreciates value, no matter where it comes from. By providing meaningful and relevant content, you’re not intruding but offering value that can be helpful to them.

Question: Is it too time-consuming to send individual messages?

Answer: In the age of automation, there are tools and strategies to streamline your DM marketing while still maintaining that personal touch.

Question: Will I end up annoying potential Clients and lose them?

Answer: With the right messaging and frequency, DM marketing can be seen as a resource rather than an annoyance. It’s all about balance.

Question: Do I need to be tech-savvy to manage DM marketing?

Answer: DM is one of the simplest forms of communication. Plus, there are numerous tutorials and tools available to guide you through the process.

Question: What if I say the wrong thing and damage my reputation?

Answer: Authenticity is key in DMs. If a mistake is made, a genuine apology and correction can actually enhance trust, showcasing your brand's integrity.

Question: What happens if people don't read DMs or ignore my messages?

Answer: Actually, DMs often have a higher open rate than emails because they are seen as more personal. The key is ensuring your message stands out in a positive, valuable way.

Question: What if I end up spending too much time on uninterested leads?

Answer: DM marketing is as much about listening as it is about talking. By gauging interest early on, you can focus your energy on promising leads.

Question: Will my DMs will get lost among the multitude of messages people receive daily?

Answer: By crafting compelling and personalized opening lines, you increase the chances of your message being read and engaged with.

Question: What if I can't handle the volume of responses?

Answer: A high response rate is a good problem to have! Tools and strategies can help manage the influx, or you can even consider hiring assistance as you scale (a good problem!)

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